All New Atom
2006, DC, nos. 6-12, 14-24, NM - each £3
2010, Marvel, no.2, NM £4
Amazing Spider-Man
1999, Marvel, nos. 536, 538, 542-3, 546, 550, 553
557, 560-3, 565-7, 576-80, 584-5, 588-9, 593-4
VF-NM £5
Amazing Super-Girl
Marvel, nos. 14-15, 17, 21, 29, NM - each £4
Atomic Robo
Red 5, nos. 1-4, NM - each £3
Atom and Hawkman
DC, no.46, NM £3
2008, DC/Wildstorm, nos. 2,3,7,16, NM - each £3
2013, Marvel, Hickman
nos. 2, 4-13, NM - each £3
Avengers 1959
2011, Marvel, nos. 2, 4, NM - each £3
Avengers Academy
2010, Marvel, nos. 2-5, 8, NM - each £3
Avengers Arena
Marvel, nos. 2-6, NM - each £3
Avengers: Assemble
2012, Marvel, nos. 8, 14, NM - each £3
Avengers: Dimitrios
Marvel, no. 2, NM £3
Avengers: End Times
2012, Marvel, nos. 31-4, NM - each £3
Avengers: Heroic Age
Marvel, nos. 2-4, NM - each £3
Avengers Transformers
Marvel, nos. 2-3, VF+ - each £3
Batgirl - Birds of Prey
Rebirth, DC, nos. 2-3, NM - each £3
Batman Beyond - Rebirth
DC, nos. 3-9, NM - each £3
1995, Marvel, no. 24, NM £4
Civil War
2006, Marvel, nos. 2-7, VF-NM - each £5
Image, nos. 2-3, NM - each £4
Curse of Spawn
Image, nos. 2-16,NM - each £4
Daredevil - Father
Marvel, nos. 2-3, NM - each £5
Daredevil Redemption
Marvel, nos. 2-3, 5-6, NM - each £3
Dark Tower - Long Road Home
2008, Marvel, nos. 2-5, NM - each £4
Dark Tower - Treachery
2008, Marvel, nos. 2-4, 6, NM - each £4
Day of Vengeance
2005, DC, nos. 2-6, NM - each £3
Death of Spider-Man
Marvel, no.2, NM £4
Death of Wolverine
Marvel, nos. 2-4, NM - each £4
Green Arrow - Rebirth
DC, nos. 2-5, NM - each £3
Green Lantern - Rebirth
2004, DC, nos. 2-3, NM - each £4
New Thunderbolts
2005, Marvel, nos. 2-10, NM - each £3
Skaar - Son of Hulk
2008, Marvel, nos. 2-8, NM - each £3
Spawn: Godslayer
2007, Image, nos. 2, 5-8, NM - each £3
Spectacular Spider-Man
2003, Marvel, nos. 2-4, NM - each £4
Special Forces, Kyle Baker
Image, no.3, NM £3
Spider-Man 1602
2009, Marvel, nos. 2-5, NM - each £4
Spider-Man: All new
200 var. edition, Marvel £4
Spider-Man: Mysterio Manifesto
Marvel, nos. 2-3, NM £4
Super-Girl: Spectacular
Marvel, no. 2, VF £3
Superman - Action comics
2011, DC, nos. 2-12, NM - each £3
Superman - Confidential
2007, DC, nos. 2-3, NM - each £4
Sword of the all new Atom
DC, no. 13, NM £4
Tales of the Unexpected
2006, DC, nos. 7-8, NM - each £4
Ultimate Spider-Man
2000, Marvel, no.2, VF-NM £40
Ultimate Spider-Man
2000, Marvel, nos. 3-4, VF-NM - each £18
Untold Legend of Captain Marvel
1997, Marvel, nos. 2-3, VF+ - each £8
Vampi Vicious
Anarchy, nos. 2-3, NM - each £3
1991, Marvel, nos. 2-12, VF - each £5
1995, Marvel, no. 44, VF+ £4
X-Men First Class
2007, Marvel, nos. 3-13, 16, NM - each £3
X-Men Forever
Marvel, nos. 3-6, 9, 11, 17, NM - each £3
X-Men Kingbreaker
Marvel, nos. 2-4, NM - each £3
X-Men Legacy
Marvel, no. 223, NM £3